
Please be aware that google maps reports our address incorrectly, (it typically shows 1304 – 1336 Balm Hwy.) we are in the process of correcting this.

To get directions please click on the pin and then scroll down and enter the address from which you would like directions. These directions should be accurate as we are using the Latitude and Longitude of The Old Greer House. Our street address is 1688 Balm Hwy. Banner Elk, NC 28604.

If you are using a GPS to get here then please be aware that your mapping software may have the same issue. If your GPS does not show us located were the pin is in this map then please use our Latitude and Longitude (36.170353, -81.845824 or 36.170353 N and 81.845824 W) for a waypoint.

Approximate travel times:

  • 30 minutes from Boone NC
  • 1 hour and 45 minutes from Asheville NC
  • 2 ½ hours from Greenville SC
  • 4 ½ hours from Atlanta GA
  • 6 hours from Nashville TN
  • 8 hours from Washington DC